Monday 13 April 2020


Ex 4, page 45

Announcement of the launch of the new volunteers group!!

We're going to do volunteering works to help our community. In that way we can raise money and then donate it to communities in need in other countries.

We will meet all Fridays in the west park and our goal will be to clean the grass, the playground areas and the lake zone. To be part of this project you only have to be 16 or older and you have to be responsible and polite.

When we finish we will take the rubbish to a recycling plant and they will give us some money for it. We will post information and some pictures and videos of the process in our social media.

Ex 3, page 47

Writers are normally focused in spreading their works and knowledge as much as possible, that's why they have started using blogs. Blogs allow them to write short or long texts and to choose between multiple topics. It also allows them to reach a lot more people than if they sold physical books.

From my point of view, blogging is a very useful tool for starter writers and people who use writing as a hobby,but, if you want to become a famous writer you will sometime have to change and start writing in paper, because people who are keen on lecture usually prefer physical books.

Ex 7, page 69


- Who wants to take part in our diving lessons? We are going to offer classes for beginners every Friday at 6 p.m in the local pool or the beach. Come and join us!

-We're excited to announce that e are going to do a meeting between old and new members so that you can talk about your experiences and how the club has changed. It will be celebrated the last day on the course.

- All members are invited to our trip to the coral reef! We're going to go on a trip to the famous coral reef so we can learn about diving and marine life too. This event will be on summer and it will take four whole days and we will have theory and practical lessons.

- We're pleased to announce that we are launching a new way of communication. We've created a blog so we can post comments and talk about our experiences. Don't forget to register and turn on the notifications!

1 comment:


    DIVING CLUB: LINES: 3...That WE are going to do....
    6- the event will be IN summer....
